It’s no secret that successful organisations invest heavily in developing the leadership skills of their individual senior managers. But often they give less attention to the collective skills of the senior management team and the impact this has on overall business performance.
Most senior team members are selected with a great deal of care and thought given to their personalities and suitability to the role. However, organisational objectives can and do change, and this often results in new senior teams being formed or merged together to address new goals. This team “formation through necessity” approach, and the subsequent mixture of personalities, can often make the collective transition on focus more challenging than it needs to be.
When senior teams are formed using this piecemeal approach, a number of negative outcomes can, and often do, arise:
Demonstrated through:
Demonstrated through:
Demonstrated through:
The fundamental challenges are to bring the leadership team together with a way of working that addresses team functionality, team outputs and their ability to communicate with operational teams around what’s newly important.
As individuals, and as a team, members must honestly appraise their skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, so that they can start doing more productive things and stop doing wasteful things.
There are 3 workshops topics which we have used with great success in the past, which address these challenges and help sustain the changes required to achieve overall business objectives.
It’s important to note that these workshops are not mutually exclusive and results may only be achieved using a combination of all 3. Before the senior team can effectively communicate goals, motivate and engage the rest of the business, they need absolute clarity on the strategy that will contribute to the overall objectives. And before a team can get clarity on their strategy, they need to be aware of what individual strengths and behaviours will contribute most towards this strategy.
Whether you’re focused on individual or team development, One Performance can be your business partner to help accelerate your progress.